Asset Creation Pipeline

While creating the Service Weapon and Holosight, I followed an asset creation pipeline that was taught in one of my courses at Sheridan.

I modelled the assets in Maya and since the Service Weapon is the Service Weapon from the game Control, I was able to use multiple reference photos to aid me. I created two versions of each one, an high-poly and low-poly. I unwrapped the UVs of the models using Maya's tools. I then took the low-poly into Substance Painter and baked the high-poly into the low-poly keep both the detail of the high-poly and optimization of the low-poly. I used Substance to texture the assets and exported the appropiate maps into Unreal Engine 4 with the untextured the assets.

UI/HUD Designing

I wanted to have a dynamic UI that showed relevant information for what is being clicked on. So I only showed buttons that were relevant to the weapon being inspected. UI lights up when the options are selected and if the player switches weapons the attachmen, if supported, will transfer over to the new weapon. I also added a camera shake and a particle effect to make the HUD more dynamic.

The last item implemented was sound. I added sound effects that made sense and that are satisfying to hear. For instance, changing the paint job makes a sound of a spray can being sprayed, adding an attachment makes a wrench turning sound etc. Lastly, to set the mood, I added some ambience to the scene with a rain & thunder soundtrack playing and looping in the background which makes the scene feel more alive.